7695 Jane Street Unit #7, Concord Ontario, Canada, L4K 1A8

Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking submission has become a powerful tool in promoting a website. At Konzept Domains, we understand the power behind the
tool, and how to use it effectively. Let the team at Konzept Domains, go through all the social bookmarking sites while keeping their finger on the emerging ones.

The online world of social media is vastly growing, and needs 24 hours watch. Our expert team will become part of the social websites and online communities developing within your specific niche topics. Let us be the eyes and ears for your online presence. We abide by the rules, norms and conditions to various Bookmarking websites. We take care, so you get the maximum benefit and relevancy for your site.

In the eye of the viewer social bookmarking is cataloging your favorite most visited or used websites online. You are storing these sites (bookmarking) so you can easily visit them or share them with friends.

From the business standpoint, it involves linking sites within various forums, blogs and message boards on social networking websites. The more places you have your content, the more online visibility you generate. Submitting your site manually to social bookmarking sites like Digg, StumbleUpon.com, Reddit.com, and del.icio.us will ensure higher online visibility. Our constant endeavor is to serve sites with well-researched and well-directed visibility by our bookmarking submission.

Our team ensures that every site is first indexed for the intended target audience, so that only sites with high ranking and pedigree are selected. With the implementation of context-sensitive search and with the advent of more personalized search results for users, submission of your site content to a social bookmarking site is no longer a matter of trial and error.

Each bookmarking site has its own pros and cons, and it takes meticulous planning and research before one can consider submitting their site content to a social bookmarking service. At Konzept Domains, we take care of it all for you.